August 16, 2016 (Palm Beach Gardens, FL) – WellFit Holdings, the developer of fitness technologies that help battle the global obesity & diabetes epidemics by assisting people to overcome common barriers preventing them from getting fit, has launched the Phyzseek mobile fitness app in the iTunes App Store (Download App Here). After more than a year of development and successful completion of four phases of Beta testing, for which 250 people signed up to participate, the Phyzseek mobile fitness app has reached major milestones of App store approval and commercial launch. The app’s workouts are based on Phyzseek’s Sustainable High Intensity Functional Training (SHIFT) program, which was developed by a doctor and based on current exercise science (Phyzseek White Paper).
Phyzseek’s SHIFT program is very effective at helping users to burn fat & calories, build lean muscle & improve functional longevity. The app provides fun but challenging, short duration, daily workouts with detailed videos as well as alternatives and modifications for each exercise. Using its one-touch technology, the app effortlessly measures, captures & tracks all workout results without the user having to perform the tedious task of logging daily workout information. The user-programmed pacer & color-coded heart rate monitor motivate users to work out with intensity even when they’re working out alone. Users can compete with people from all over the world & easily track their results using proprietary performance and heath metrics. Fitness progress, health parameters and workout results can be easily viewed and analyzed using Phyzseek’s easy-to-understand Fitness & Workout Dashboards. And, the built-in social network offers support from friends, allows members to post their successes and provides a way for users of the app to interact.
Eric J. Ende, MD, co-founder/CEO stated, “When we started developing the Phyzseek mobile platform over a year ago, we set out to design a sustainable high intensity functional training program that was highly effective at rapidly burning calories and fat and building lean muscle while promoting functional longevity. Recognizing that many barriers exist that prevent people from achieving success with a fitness program, Phyzseek’s unique features were designed to overcome these common obstacles. As we achieve proof of concept in the marketplace, we plan to use the Phyzseek platform to expand our reach by launching additional apps that target increasingly larger groups of individuals and gyms looking to differentiate themselves. And, as the use of new fitness technologies become more widespread, we plan to provide additional unique features.”
Chad LaBonte, co-founder/COO commented, “The Phyzseek mobile app represents a fitness technology platform that uses real-time workout and health metric data to show proof of progress, promote competition and foster social interaction, which is then used to motivate people to work out consistently and with the intensity needed to get results. Workouts are based on a doctor-developed, science-driven high intensity functional training program that is a time-efficient and convenient way for people to achieve their fitness goals.”
About Phyzseek
The Phyzseek mobile fitness application has been under development since June 2015 when seed capital was received. Sustainable, short-duration, high intensity workouts are delivered daily to the user’s device, eliminating daily decisions about what exercises to do. The app automatically adjusts workouts, taking into account a users’ available equipment, and provides potential exercise modifications to account for pre-existing injuries or a lack of proficiency. Interval, stopwatch, and countdown timers are built-in to the app so that each workout produces a measurable result. And, the Pacer and heart rate monitoring motivate users to workout at a high level of intensity even when working out alone.
The app effortlessly tracks workout results and health metrics, including heart rate, workout intensity and caloric expenditure, to help motivate users and to provide evidence that they are successfully improving their health and fitness. Users can compare workout and fitness results to other users across the globe using proprietary metrics. Social networking within the app promotes friendly competition, a way to brag about progress, and a means to provide positive feedback & support to other users.
To learn more about Phyzseek visit or download the Phyzseek App at the iTunes App Store.
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