Our story is typical of many aging health and fitness buffs. We worked out for years, watched what we ate, with the occasional splurges, but as we got older we seemed to be losing the battle. Fat was starting to accumulate around the mid-section, fatigue was setting in earlier in the day and sleep was restless. Oh, and it was obvious, hormone levels weren’t what they used to be. But why? We thought we ate right and kept fit. How could we turn the tables to regain the strength and energy we had when we were younger?
At about this time we were introduced to a well-known boot camp style high intensity workout program. The exercise program was very different than anything we had ever done and the results we were seeing were amazing. We had lost weight, gained lean muscle mass, and had more energy. Unfortunately, the exercise program also included heavy weights and Olympic style lifting, which combined with workouts measured by speed and number of reps, eventually took its toll on our bodies. Due to frequent injuries, what began as the answer to our fitness woes, came to a sudden end.
Now what? With backgrounds in medicine and analytics as well as a passion for working out and staying fit, we were determined to find a better way to enhance our levels of fitness while maintaining functional longevity. We studied the science, researched methodologies, tested theories and eventually discovered Phyzseek.
Eric J. Ende, MD, ACSM-CPT
Eric is a co-founder of Phyzseek as well as its CEO and CFO. Before starting Phyzseek, Eric received his medical degree from the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and an MBA from NYU – Stern School of Business. Combining the two degrees allowed Eric to become a biotechnology industry analyst and eventually a consultant to multiple pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and investors. To further his passion for and understanding of health and fitness, Eric received a Personal Training Certification from the American College of Sports Medicine. Using his medical & science backgrounds, his business degree & analytical expertise as well as his ACSM-PT certification, Eric researched, designed and co-founded Phyzseek to bring forth a revolutionary workout motivation mobile app for men and women seeking supreme fitness and functional longevity.
Chad P. LaBonte
Chad is a co-founder of Phyzseek and serves as COO. Prior to this venture Chad had a 25 year career in real estate, building an extensive knowledge of several facets of the business such as asset acquisition, property management, leasing and developing retail shopping centers and large scale master planned communities. Chad was a competitive athlete for most of his early life, playing a variety of sports, including college football and lacrosse. Training for sports - weight training, powerlifting, plyometric and speed drills - was central to Chad’s life. His enthusiasm for physical fitness didn’t end after he hung up his cleats. Chad continued to pursue fitness in a variety of disciplines from bodybuilding, HIIT, stationary bike, running, kickboxing, swimming and yoga. Today Chad sticks to PhyzWOD’s (Phyzseek Workout of the Day) and yoga for fitness and golf and fishing for recreation. He’s known to rock out playing the drums in a band too!
Get into the best shape of your life with the only doctor developed, science driven fitness app that motivates, measures and delivers efficient daily workouts
Watch demo video
Watch demo video
Phyzseek’s unique features motivate you to consistently workout at an intensity level that produces results
Eliminate daily workout decisions. Phyzseek delivers the most effective, time saving, high intensity workouts to you everyday
Workout modifications are provided depending upon the user’s capabilities and the equipment they have available to them
Video demos teach proper exercise form to reduce the chance of injury and increase exercise proficiency
Choose a PhyzTeam to motivate you to consistently workout by holding you accountable, providing support and fostering friendly competition
Get daily results. Phyzseek workouts produce measurable outcomes such as time, reps, and rounds achieved, allowing you to easily capture, track and share your efforts
Pacer will tell you what exercise needs to be completed and at what time on the clock in order to maintain a user-determined intensity even when you are working out alone
The heart rate monitoring confirms if your heart rate is being maintained at a level needed to produce metabolic transformation
Easily track your transformation. Phyzseek makes it simple and fun to compare your workout performance and fitness improvements
PhyzioLevel tracking indicates how much your fitness level improves over time as well as what strengths and weaknesses you may have
Tracking of weight, resting heart rate, calories burned, and workout intensity provides proof that your health and fitness are improving
Our happy users
I haven’t found a workout program as thorough, demanding & effective as Phyzseek. It taps into my true potential while limiting injury. The workouts are time efficient without cutting into results. I’ve never been in better shape - resting heart rate & body fat are my personal best. I can’t say enough about it.
Mark Murphy, MD
I have been an athlete all of my life (football/lacrosse). After college, I gained over 30 pounds. I was 230 pounds at my heaviest. I am 40 years old now and down to 192 pounds and truly feel I am the healthiest I have ever been. I owe all of this to Phyzseek. I highly recommend this workout program. It's the real deal!
Chris Grande
I incorporated Physeek into my weekly lifting & running routine. The daily workouts & Pacer provide a nice element to my fitness plan! It hits the main muscle groups & provides an anaerobic benefit in an efficient time frame. They take a lot of guess work out of planning & it's all in the palm of my hand!
Marco Lainez
In the 2 months I've been using Phyzseek, I dropped 6 pounds of fat while increasing muscle mass & endurance. I feel zero impact on my joints and back. I never thought I would achieve these results using an app. I am motivated by the daily change in workouts. I urge everyone to try Phyzseek.
Bari Verni
I am 57 & have been working out since the 70s. No other workout regimen has been as effective at burning fat, and building strength & endurance as Phyzseek. None have been so well balanced as to keep me injury free. I feel energetic, healthy, & my metabolism is constantly roaring...never been in better shape!
Manolo Calvo
If you are a fan of high intensity, combination strength-cardio workouts, Phyzseek is great! And, if you're not yet a fan, it's a great way to give these highly effective workouts a try. I highly recommend Phyzseek.
Jon Green
I was a long time crossfitter that needed a change...great job on the app. Love the pacer and very intuitive interface....workouts are killer ... Awesome job on the programming!
Mark Cirilli
I haven’t found a workout program as thorough, demanding & effective as Phyzseek. It taps into my true potential while limiting injury. The workouts are time efficient without cutting into results. I’ve never been in better shape - resting heart rate & body fat are my personal best. I can’t say enough about it.
Mark Murphy, MD
I have been an athlete all of my life (football/lacrosse). After college, I gained over 30 pounds. I was 230 pounds at my heaviest. I am 40 years old now and down to 192 pounds and truly feel I am the healthiest I have ever been. I owe all of this to Phyzseek. I highly recommend this workout program. It's the real deal!
Chris Grande
I incorporated Physeek into my weekly lifting & running routine. The daily workouts & Pacer provide a nice element to my fitness plan! It hits the main muscle groups & provides an anaerobic benefit in an efficient time frame. They take a lot of guess work out of planning & it's all in the palm of my hand!
Marco Lainez
In the 2 months I've been using Phyzseek, I dropped 6 pounds of fat while increasing muscle mass & endurance. I feel zero impact on my joints and back. I never thought I would achieve these results using an app. I am motivated by the daily change in workouts. I urge everyone to try Phyzseek.
Bari Verni
I am 57 & have been working out since the 70s. No other workout regimen has been as effective at burning fat, and building strength & endurance as Phyzseek. None have been so well balanced as to keep me injury free. I feel energetic, healthy, & my metabolism is constantly roaring...never been in better shape!
Manolo Calvo
If you are a fan of high intensity, combination strength-cardio workouts, Phyzseek is great! And, if you're not yet a fan, it's a great way to give these highly effective workouts a try. I highly recommend Phyzseek.
Jon Green
I was a long time crossfitter that needed a change...great job on the app. Love the pacer and very intuitive interface....workouts are killer ... Awesome job on the programming!
Mark Cirilli
Our story is typical of many aging health and fitness buffs. We worked out for years, watched what we ate, with the occasional splurges, but as we got older we seemed to be losing the battle...